Blood for the Blood God
Blood - Death - Gore
For the skull throne
Rabid bloodletting
The honour of killing
Forward for your honour, die
I will rip apart
I will spill your blood
There is no honour without blood
Killing in masses
As the slaughter progresses
Blood, gore, crushed armour
Forward for your honour, die
I will rip apart
I will spill your blood
There is no honour without blood
Killing, killing, killing
With the knife and with the saw
Blood for the Blood God
La canzone Blood For The Bloodgod si trova nell'album Rage Of The Bloodbeast uscito nel 2008.

L'articolo Debauchery - Blood For The Bloodgod testo lyric di Debauchery è apparso su Rockit.it il 2008-01-08 00:00:00