I’ve been walking on
A minefield made of glass
I couldn’t see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
I realized my life has been turned inside out
I’m lost in this tunnel made of barbed wire
I am no longer counting my wounds
It is a fucking deja vu
Again and again
Stuck on repeat
I’ve been walking on
A minefield made of glass
I couldn’t see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
All your lies were bombs
Placed inside my heart
And now I see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
The cold thin ice is cracking under me
I’ve placed my feet where they should never be
Damn it! I cannot move from here
Should I risk or suddenly disappear?
“Go Away” someone says
It’s in my head
I’ve been walking on
A minefield made of glass
I couldn’t see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
All your lies were bombs
Placed inside my heart
And now I see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
I’ve dug my grave with my own hands
And even though they’re sore I can’t understand
What went wrong and when all began
I put my feet where I should not, again
I’ve been walking on
A minefield made of glass
I couldn’t see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
All your lies were bombs
Placed inside my heart
And now I see what is underneath me
One misstep and it could be the end of me
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Minefield di Deep as Ocean:
È la metafora di un sentiero fragile, di vetro, sotto il quale esistono insidie e paranoie. Tu sai di camminarci sopra e hai paura di caderci dentro da un momento all’ altro. Lo hai già fatto in passato e anche se ti ha fatto male, lo stai rifacendo. Ne sei consapevole ma non riesci a fare altrimenti.
Songs are written and performed by Deep As Ocean
Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Matteo Magni at Magnitude Recording Studio (Seregno [MB], Italy)
VIDEO Minefield

La canzone Minefield si trova nell'album Dance With Death uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

L'articolo Deep as Ocean - Minefield testo lyric di Deep as Ocean è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-10-09 23:15:20