Is that sorrow?
I must stop telling myself lies
I can’t move on
I’m stepping inside my mind
It’s a maze, I’m lost in it
It’s a trap without a bait
I’m a prey too easy to catch
Cause I can’t find my way
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every step I try to take
I sink deeper
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every second that I waste
I go lower
Then your hands grab me
You shake me, lifting me up
Maybe I have to trust you
I read it in your icy eyes
Lightning doesn’t strike twice
The same place or near there
I can’t always attracting it
I have to let go
Or I’ll get stuck
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every step I try to take
I sink deeper
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every second that I waste
I go lower
The more I move
The more I lose
This time I went so close
I sink
Get me out
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every step I try to take
I sink deeper
I don’t wanna fall down again
Tryna’ get out of this quicksand
Every second that I waste
I go lower
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Quicksand di Deep as Ocean:
Camminare nelle sabbie mobili è una lotta contro te stesso: più ti muovi e cerchi di uscire in modo rapido e veloce, più vieni risucchiato e bloccato.
Hai bisogno un aiuto, una mano che ti afferri e ti tiri fuori, a volte serve fidarsi di qualcuno, anche se la fiducia è svanita da tempo.
Songs are written and performed by Deep As Ocean
Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Matteo Magni at Magnitude Recording Studio (Seregno [MB], Italy)
VIDEO Quicksand

La canzone Quicksand si trova nell'album Dance With Death uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

L'articolo Deep as Ocean - Quicksand testo lyric di Deep as Ocean è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-10-09 23:15:20