Falling is the hardest part
I’m waiting for the impact to come
I can’t feel the beat of my broken heart
The sun has never been so cold and
Blossoms will no longer grow up
An agony that makes me fall apart
I have tried
To hold you tight
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
I was right
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
The changing season came too soon
I wasn’t ready, I feel doomed
It’s cold as hell inside this empty room
Tell me how you bloomed again
I’d like to change my life as well
Too many memories that haunt me now
I have tried
To hold you tight
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
I was right
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
And I feel like a red leaf
You blew up a storm against me
But I’m still here
And I feel like a red leaf
Now I’m ready to be free
In the quietness of this misty wood
So much clear are my deja vu
Another leaf is falling off my heart
Upon this scarlet ground
One by one they’ve left this tree so bare
In sorrow’s grip, they drift into the air
One last leaf is falling off my heart
It will never be enough
Enough to restart my heart
One beat at a time
I have tried (I have tried)
To hold you tight (hold you tight)
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
I was right (I was right)
I should have known our chains won’t last forever
The cracks we have won’t stay together
And I feel like a red leaf
You blew up a storm against me
But I’m still here
And I feel like a red leaf
Now I’m ready to be free
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Red Leaves (feat. Hand Of Juno) di Deep as Ocean:
Una metafora per descrivere come ci si sente alla fine di un amore.
È come essere una foglia rossa in autunno, con il dolore che provi paragonato a un forte vento che ti fa cadere. Hai paura di cadere, ma sai anche che ciò ti renderà libero, finalmente.
Hai provato con tutto te stesso a stare ancorato all’albero, ma le crepe del passato erano troppo importanti, rendendoti fragile e rendendo la storia d’amore come una catena che si spezza.
Songs are written and performed by Deep As Ocean
Produced, engineered, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Matteo Magni at Magnitude Recording Studio (Seregno [MB], Italy)
La canzone Red Leaves (feat. Hand Of Juno) si trova nell'album Dance With Death uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

L'articolo Deep as Ocean - Red Leaves (feat. Hand Of Juno) testo lyric di Deep as Ocean è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-10-09 23:15:20