Delawater - This place doesn't build Opinions testo lyric

11/02/2014 - 13:45 Scritto da Delawater Delawater 2


Well, it's so ridiculous, but this place doesn't build opinions
people are very ambitious, but this place doesn't build opinions
round and round and round again but this place doesn't build opinions

how long we walked to reach this place!

there are words fightin' in this place
there are words fightin' everyday
there are words and words and words and words

there are words fightin' in this place
there are words fightin' everyday
there are words and words and words and words

there are words fightin' in this place
there are words fightin' everyday
there are words and words and words to embrace


Premi play per ascoltare il brano This place doesn't build Opinions di Delawater:


La canzone This place doesn't build Opinions si trova nell'album Open book at page eleven uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Open book at page eleven, di Delawater

L'articolo Delawater - This place doesn't build Opinions testo lyric di Delawater è apparso su il 2014-02-11 13:45:17


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