devotion - I Need You (by My Side) testo lyric


The very thought of you, leaving my life
Broke me down in tears
I took for granted all the love that you gave to me
I know that's what i feared

Don't go away
Every heart beat
Every moment
Everything i see is you

Please forgive me
I'm so sorry
Don't say we're through

Girl i need you, to be by my side
Girl i need you, to open up my eyes
Cause without you, where would i be
Yes i need you
Come back to me

A kiss is not a kiss
Without your lips kissing mine
You bring me paradise
I can't live if you took your love
Away from me
Without you i would die

Every second
Every minute
Every time i close my eyes
I could feel you
So i want you
To stay in my life

Girl i need you, to be by my side
Girl i need you, to open up my eyes
Cause without you, where would i be
Yes i need you
Come back to me


Every second
Every minute
Every time i close my eyes
I could feel you
So i want you
To always be mine

Girl i need you, to be by my side
Girl i need you, to open up my eyes
Cause without you, where would i be
Yes i need you, come back to me
Repeat x3


La canzone I Need You (by My Side) si trova nell'album Image Of Devotion uscito nel 2004.

Copertina dell'album Image Of Devotion, di devotion

L'articolo devotion - I Need You (by My Side) testo lyric di devotion è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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