Devra - Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert) testo lyric

22/06/2023 - 18:19 Scritto da Devra Devra 1


I had a dream
Everything felt real
Her blood was just water
Of water her soul
Didn't feel pain at all
Around her just water
Now it doesn't matter
How far I am from her
I know I'll get to her
Now it doesn't matter

I saw her by my side
We shared the same eyes
Our backs at daylight
just to
shine like anything her soul can be
I’m gonna be with her someday
You’ll see, there’ll be

Nothing like me
Nothing like us
There’ll be nothing like me
Nothing like us
There’ll be nothing like me
Nothing like us, Nothing like us

We'll start with protecting our home
Reconnecting with our soul, with her
Putting life as a priority
What I won't is not eternity
I just want to do what's right
With my time
You won't be able to stop us
‘Cause We'll became one
We will fight
For the same cause
For the same love
We won't hide
We we'll stand up
Start to run fast
Tell them
There will be nothing like me
And Tell them
There will be nothing like us

I saw her by my side
We shared the same eyes
Our backs at daylight
just to
shine like anything her soul can be
I’m gonna be with her someday
You’ll see, there’ll be

I saw her by my side
We shared the same eyes
Our backs at daylight
just to
shine like anything her soul can be
I’m gonna be with her someday
You’ll see, there’ll be

I had a dream
Everything felt real
Her blood was just water
Of water her soul
Didn't feel pain at all
Around her just water
Now it doesn't matter
How far I am from her
I know I'll get to her
Now it doesn't matter

I saw her by my side
We shared the same eyes
Our backs at daylight
just to
shine like anything her soul can be
I’m gonna be with her someday
You’ll see, there’ll be

I’m gonna be with her someday
You’ll see, there’ll be


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert) di Devra:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 985 brani)


Produced by Fabio De Angelis, Vittorio Conte
Mixed by Marco Caldera (Vulcano Studio)
Mastered by Giovanni Versari (La Maestà Mastering Studio)
Fabio De Angelis – Drums, Composition
Sara Vanderwert – Vocals, Lyrics
Davide Pezzin – Bass
Andrea Ragnoli – Keyboard, Synth, Pads
Lorenzo De Luca – Tenor Saxophone, Flutes
Zeno Merlini – Alto Saxophone


La canzone Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert) si trova nell'album Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert) uscito nel 2023 per IDOL, Root Records, DeepMatter Records.

Copertina dell'album Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert), di Devra

L'articolo Devra - Blood Water (ft. Sara Vanderwert) testo lyric di Devra è apparso su il 2023-06-22 18:19:48


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