Diana Tejera - True lady testo lyric


True Lady

There's a lady on a fire
and she's burning while she hides
it's a secret in the sky
or it's a good lie

You can feel when she arrives
like a virgin in the rain
her chest is so white
you can touch it for a while

Everything I've found is gone
and now I'm lost with it
Everything that comes from it
now is just a bad sound
that slowly falls from clouds
exploding in my arms

You're still in my eyes
and it just makes me cry
But maybe now it's time
to tell you goodbye
to tell you goodbye

There's something in my mind
That reminds me of that time
when we used to be fragile
or where we had just died

I remember just one light
baby it must be your eyes
They still make me cry
But I cannot tell you why

Everything I've found is gone
and now I'm lost with it
Everything that comes from it
now is just a bad sound
that slowly falls from the clouds
exploding in my arms

You're still in my eyes
and it just makes me cry
But maybe now it's time
to tell you goodbye

You're still in my eyes
and it just makes me cry
But maybe now it's time
to tell you goodbye
to tell you goodbye


Premi play per ascoltare il brano True lady di Diana Tejera:


La canzone True lady si trova nell'album Libre uscito nel 2022 per Giallo Ocra.

Copertina dell'album Libre, di Diana Tejera

L'articolo Diana Tejera - True lady testo lyric di Diana Tejera è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-03-13 16:15:32


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