DrØnes '72 - Vampires of Vitamin D testo lyric


Doctor, wise man, please help, I feel tired, sort of sick
Since days, been sitting and lying, oh I feel tired, sort of sick
Drank Leffe, to forget, still too tired, sort of sick
Doctor, tell me, I’m crazy? Or I'm just tired, sort of sick
I can’t complain, I’m feel tired sort of sick
I can’t complain, I’m feel tired sort of sick
I can’t complain, I’m feel tired sort of sick
I can’t complain, I’m feel tired sort of sick
No can’t complain, well I’m almost dying and I’m sort of sick

Son you know this town? There are vampires of Vitamin D!
Cover your neck, you have been bleeding Vitamin D
Don’t let them get you, you ran out of Vitamin D
You know, this town, there are vampires of Vitamin D
You know, this town, there are vampires of Vitamin D
You know, this town, there are vampires of Vitamin D
You know, this town, there are vampires of Vitamin D
No don’t complain, just get pills of Vitamin D

Doctor, wise man, that helps, I’m on pills of Vitamin D
Won’t let them close, all those vampires of Vitamin D
Still they’re so hot, the sweets vampires of Vitamin D
My sexy lovers, they are all Vampires of Vitamin D
My sexy lovers, they are all Vampires of Vitamin D
My sexy lovers, they are all Vampires of Vitamin D
My sexy lovers, they are all Vampires of Vitamin D
No won't complain, I'm on pills of Vitamin D


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Vampires of Vitamin D di DrØnes '72:


La canzone Vampires of Vitamin D si trova nell'album Whispers never stop - Vol. 1 uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Whispers never stop - Vol. 1, di DrØnes '72

L'articolo DrØnes '72 - Vampires of Vitamin D testo lyric di DrØnes '72 è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-07-04 12:17:06


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