Dropeners - You Don't Know testo lyric

12/03/2014 - 13:09 Scritto da Dropeners Dropeners 2


You Don't Know

You don't know what's in a mind
You don't care to save my life

Now your enemy is a child
To see the future just look behind
Your steps are less than your trail lines

You don't know if I want what you kill
You don't know if I feel all this fear
You don't know what is good or bad for me
You don't know but you decide and I just speak

You don't know that I'll never take your risk
You don't know that the money can't bleed
You don't know what is good or bad for me
You don't know but you decide and I just speak
You don't know but you decide and I just sing


Premi play per ascoltare il brano You Don't Know di Dropeners:


La canzone You Don't Know si trova nell'album In The Middle uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album In The Middle, di Dropeners

L'articolo Dropeners - You Don't Know testo lyric di Dropeners è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-03-12 13:09:35


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