Drunkards - We don't care testo lyric

23/08/2024 - 16:16 Scritto da Drunkards Drunkards 1


We don’t care about your stupid lies

you seem so blind, close your eyes, open up your mind
We don’t care about your stupid prize

Can’t you see how fast our Mother dies
We don’t care about your dirty money

How ’bout helping people - they’re not so far away
We don’t care about your industry

Just turn around you’ll se you’re not so great

Forgiveness no more

It is time for our war
There is a place
 for you among the dead

We don’t care about your good image

Cause we know, all you care is just your heritage
We don’t care about your stoic face

Cause we know you booked a flight to space
We don’t care about your nasty word
Honestly it is not blurred, - it is just absurd
We don’t care about all the headlines
Doesn’t mean they’re diamonds if they shine

Forgiveness no more

It is time for our war
There is a place
 for you among the dead

Forgiveness no more

It is time for our war

There is a place
for you among the dead

You belong deep down, to burn in flames
You’ll have not a noun, just blood in your veins

Hello you shitty man, we are the souls you condemned,
this is your party, you used us, now it is your time to feel what we felt... burn!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano We don't care di Drunkards:


Chiara De Capitani - testo
Marco Vetturi - musica


La canzone We don't care si trova nell'album We don't care uscito nel 2024 per LM Records.

Copertina dell'album We don't care, di Drunkards

L'articolo Drunkards - We don't care testo lyric di Drunkards è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-08-23 16:16:54


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  • mdfmultimedia 7 mesi fa Rispondi

    @luca12 ma grazie a te .. ci fa piacere che il brano ti sia piaciuto.
    In arrivo a settembre il nuovo singolo "Scared to death" sul sito drunkardsitaly.com

  • luca12 7 mesi fa Rispondi

    @mdfmultimedia GRAZIE!

    La musica spacca (sono un fan anche di heavy speed metal), il testo è praticamentecome lo avevo capito ascoltando il cantante, impegnato e molto ben scritto.

  • mdfmultimedia 7 mesi fa Rispondi

    @luca12 aggiunto il testo .. bon ascolto

  • luca12 7 mesi fa Rispondi

    non si leggono i testi