eego - Night (feat. Arua) testo lyric

07/05/2016 - 11:17 Scritto da eego eego 11



a while before you close your eyes
the last light leaves the room to the night,
the door's closed behind, your dolls out of your sight.
Under the cover you wait patiently for the day
while the night monsters are dancing around the bed you pray.

ooh babe don't be afraid they came here to play
even if you pray they won't disappear
until the sun rise.

night after night you pray the monsters to come in.
come in… come in…
night after night you dance with them till the sky turns red
and your fears will be engaged in the box under your bed.

oh babe don't cry tonight
they a re just children of your mind,
they will disappear
with the first morning lights.



Premi play per ascoltare il brano Night (feat. Arua) di eego:


Piano: G. Dalla
Cori: A. Portioli


La canzone Night (feat. Arua) si trova nell'album June uscito nel 2015 per Sounday, doubledoubleu.

Copertina dell'album June, di eego

L'articolo eego - Night (feat. Arua) testo lyric di eego è apparso su il 2016-05-07 11:17:32


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