

Electric Floor

2017 - New-Wave, Post-Rock, Shoegaze


Electric Floor - Fader (Vipchoyo Sound Factory Label)
Recording, mixing e mastering (Alberto La Riccia/ Echo Mobile Studio)
Artwork (Piero Nudo)
E' disponibile in CD e su tutti gli Store digitali.
Frutto di un lungo periodo di sperimentazione, l'Ep del trio cosentino sta ricevendo approvazioni specialmente all'estero, fra pubblico e testate di genere.
"The sound & visuals of things that go bump in the night take place throughout a Euro night scene chase that is put to the group’s new romantic sound of sleepless dreams." - IMPOSE MAGAZINE (USA)
“Vocals as compelling as Richard Butler from The Psychedelic Furs or Peter Murphy of Bauhaus fame set against an imaginary backdrop from The Cure and Images in Vogue” – BIG TAKEOVER MAGAZINE. (USA)
“A whirlwind of hypnotic sounds that take you on a trip through a shimmering psychedelic landscape… follows in the footsteps of classic post punk bands like The Cure, Joy Division and Echo & The Bunnymen” – CUSTOM MADE MUSIC (USA)
"With a sound that echoes the experimental side of post-punk melded together with the darker side of new wave and underpinned by a modern electronic edge ‘Electric Floor’ have the ability to push the sonic envelope with their music." PRIMAL MUSIC (IRELAND)
“Indie with a nod to the 90s. The guitars sound a bit like Ride and the raw drums are pure post-punk”



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  • electricfloor 8 anni fa Rispondi

    Commento vuoto, consideralo un mi piace!