What you will see with me
It's a journey where we all meant to be
Stop scrolling the screen don't waste your time
The sun is up it' s moment to shine
All the time
Letting go of the fears
And set free of all the tears
Nothing's holding you back
As long as you trust
Trust yourself
All it takes is a deep breath
Let in some fresh air
And forget your past along with the pain
Enjoy walking in the morning rain
You see this is a victory
And every time you're with me
I feel the urge to make us free
I just want to be free
I want us to be free
I want us to be free
Just find your way to better places you'll reach out by walking far
And then again when you realize there's nothing there to stop ya
You better run or someone's gonna take the place instead of you
So many times, I find myself alone I all I feel is blue
I wanna tell you
I wanna show you
I wanna get you high
I wanna see you cry
I wanna live this life to be
To be a dream for all the people to believe
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Walking in the Morning di Erri:
Walking in the Morning descrive l’inizio del nostro viaggio,
che, grazie a sonorità soul e gospel, evoca una sensazione di spensieratezza, di nuova scoperta, un miraggio.
Scritto e prodotto da Enrico Ratti
Testo e voce: Antonio Brosco
Performers: Pierfrancesco Pasini (piano elettrico), Emanuele Tosoni (batteria acustica), Antonio Saldi (sassofono), Giovanni Sorlini (basso elettrico), Alessandro Biasi (chitarra elettrica).
Registrato da Max Comincini presso l'Ottava
Mixato e Masterizzato da Domenico Vigliotti presso il Sonic Temple Studio.
VIDEO Walking in the Morning

La canzone Walking in the Morning si trova nell'album Walking Project uscito nel 2021.

L'articolo Erri - Walking in the Morning testo lyric di Erri è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-09-29 23:24:12