Fall7Times - Strong Enough testo lyric

28/05/2022 - 02:13 Scritto da Fall7Times Fall7Times 0


1st verse
Sometimes cruelty has no bounds,
you have access to resources you are not allowed
Like a doctor in 1998
tried to kill his wife poisoning her veins.
Their marriage didn’t really go so well
so he decided to infect her sending her to hell.
8922 willingly injected by a criminal
who legally worked in a hospital
Avenging his failed marriage
but Janice was strong enough!
2nd verse
Sometimes, justice is truly done
He’s still in jail today and so will be for years to come
Janice’s still sick, but now she’s really fine
she restored her life leaving all the past behind.
It ain’t easy to forget everything for sure,
You know, for this disease to nowadays there is no cure.
8922 willingly injected by a criminal
who legally worked in a hospital
Avenging his failed marriage
but Janice was strong enough!
3rd verse
Sometimes cruelty has no bounds,
you have access to resources you are not allowed
Like a doctor in 1998
tried to kill his wife poisoning her veins.
Their marriage didn’t really go so well
so he decided to infect her sending her to hell.
8922 willingly injected by a criminal (criminal)
who legally worked in a hospital (hospital)
Avenging his failed marriage (marriage)
but Janice was strong enough!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Strong Enough di Fall7Times:


In nona posizione troviamo "Strong Enough", una canzone basata su una storia vera. Parla di un medico che, per fare un dispetto alla moglie del suo matrimonio fallito, le iniettò il virus dell'Hiv.
Fortunatamente, la moglie era abbastanza forte da sopravvivere alla malattia ed è ancora viva, mentre il medico è ancora in prigione.
I numeri "8922" sostituiscono l'acronimo "hiv" e si riferiscono ciascuno alla rispettiva posizione delle lettere nell'alfabeto:
H=8, I=9, V=22


Voce e batteria registrate al Heaven Recording Studio di Massagno.
Mix e Mastering da Federico Ascari


La canzone Strong Enough si trova nell'album Departures uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Departures, di Fall7Times

L'articolo Fall7Times - Strong Enough testo lyric di Fall7Times è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-05-28 02:13:17


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