"Please Destroy Me" contiene 12 canzoni che abbracciano diversi stili di Metal e vede la partecipazione di 12 musicisti appartenenti a grandi metal bands.

Please Destroy Me
June 1974
June 1974 è:
Federico Romano (Tutti gli strumenti)
Ospiti speciali dell' album:
"The World Destroyer" feat. Rick Rozz (Death)
"Incognito" feat. Steve Smyth (Forbidden/Testament/Nevermore)
"Abstract" feat. Daniel White (Mordred)
"Omero" feat. Tommy Talamanca(Sadist)
"Rhapsody" feat. Dave Young (The Devin Townsend Project)
"Valhalla" feat. Ole Walaunet
(God Seed/Gaahls Wyrd)
"Mind Assassin's Eyes" feat. Francesco Montesanti (Antropofagus)
"Epitaph" feat. Terrance Hobbs (Suffocation)
"Theorema" feat. Bobby Koelble (Death)
"Wanderlust" feat. Christian Vidal (Therion)
"Stargazer" feat. Patrizio Mameli (Pestilence)
"The Claw Of The Iron Mask" feat. Richard Shaw (Cradle Of Filth)
Mixtering at NadirMusic Genova by Tommy Talamanca
Cover artwork by Federico Romano