f o l l o w t h e r i v e r - Caramel Peaches Cobbler testo lyric


Should I run or not?
Just wait in line here
Should I speak a conversation
That I don't want to hear again?

I was never meant to hurt myself
I was never taught to break my breath
But I know something
I know something I can't get through
It tastes like something new

Ten thousand million faces
That don't like me tell me, yeah:
"You can't get through"

I was never meant to hurt myself
I was never taught to break my breath
But I know something
I know something I can't get through
It tastes like something new

I should run into my room
And hide away
I should cream, lie on the floor
But I won't shout
Just shout out what I've become
What I've become
Primis Player Placeholder
I was never meant to hurt myself
I was never taught to break my breath
But I know something
I know something I can't get through
It tastes like something new
It seems like something new
It tastes like something new


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Caramel Peaches Cobbler di f o l l o w t h e r i v e r:


A song about the wish of new experiences.


Performed by f o l l o w t h e r i v e r
Lyrics & Music by Filippo Ghiglione
Produced by f o l l o w t h e r i v e r
Recordings, Mixing & Mastering by f o l l o w t h e r i v e r, Losanche (Valle D'Aosta, Italy)
Artwork by Margherita Ghiglione

VIDEO Caramel Peaches Cobbler

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La canzone Caramel Peaches Cobbler si trova nell'album Into This Morning Mood uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Into This Morning Mood, di f o l l o w t h e r i v e r

L'articolo f o l l o w t h e r i v e r - Caramel Peaches Cobbler testo lyric di f o l l o w t h e r i v e r è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-10-20 10:08:38


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