Foolish But Not Alone - Getting Sick testo lyric


You really know, this pain's not for show
I'm drowning in a sea that always grow
It takes my sleep away, you see I’m not ok
I don’t want to watch that because
You are my dreams, my stomach burns
I wanna that’s you really know,
Everything and this night feels so long

It takes my sleep away, can’t see my shadow today
I’m living a nightmare in a paradise, all I want it’s a lie

On the burning bed, try to fall asleep, I wanna that’s you know, I’m Getting sick

I'm running fast, that's my plan
But it reaches me and stabs me in the chest
In the silence of night, echoes in my mind
Haunted by shadows left behind

It takes my sleep away, can’t see my shadow today
I’m living a nightmare in a paradise

On the burning bed, try to fall asleep, I wanna that’s you know, I’m Getting sick

VIDEO Getting Sick

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La canzone Getting Sick si trova nell'album Getting Sick uscito nel 2025.

L'articolo Foolish But Not Alone - Getting Sick testo lyric di Foolish But Not Alone è apparso su il 2025-01-27 20:48:16


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