F.O.O.S. - Mirror Labyrinth testo lyric

24/09/2014 - 16:14 Scritto da F.O.O.S. F.O.O.S. 0


Play with me
Hide and seek
You got all the hideouts
You might need
We'll have fun, trust me
So much fun
You'll forget the pain
And who you are

Start the countdown
One, two, three, go!
Start the countdown
One, two, three

What's right is left
Inside the mirror labyrinth
Each path will take you back
Into the mirror labyrinth

Who decides
Who's on the right side?
I could be your reflection
You could be mine
We'll have fun, trust me
So much fun
Just forget the pain
And who you are

Start the countdown
One, two, three, go!
Start the countdown
One, two, three, start it!

What's right is left
Inside the mirror labyrinth
Each path will take you back
Into the mirror labyrinth
Out of control we're all
Lost in the mirror labyrinth
We call it “home sweet home
A life in the mirror labyrinth


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mirror Labyrinth di F.O.O.S.:


La canzone Mirror Labyrinth si trova nell'album Showcase uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album Showcase, di F.O.O.S.

L'articolo F.O.O.S. - Mirror Labyrinth testo lyric di F.O.O.S. è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-09-24 16:14:56


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