Former Friends - Birds Keep Chirping testo lyric


I spent
The last seven years of my life
Living in a cage
And I don’t
Wanna bite the hand that fed me
So please, take no offense
It’s nothing personal
But we should be careful
When we put our lives on someone else’s

This is part of the risk of
Loving someone else
The more you give
The more you forget
Who you were
Before of them
The more you give
The less you get

I am
About to move on with my life
And leave you in the past
But I get
This weird sense of guilt
Like a prisoner’s escape
But it’s fu-cking wrong
I should not be afraid of
Being a different person
From my former self

The things I left back in your place
The pictures I just wanna erase
The friends that know us as a pair
The places haunted by your face
Waiters surprised by our new flames
Parents and houses, the things we shared
It’s been fun but It’s time to go, so long
So long, so long


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Birds Keep Chirping di Former Friends:


La canzone Birds Keep Chirping si trova nell'album Birds Keep Chirping uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Birds Keep Chirping, di Former Friends

L'articolo Former Friends - Birds Keep Chirping testo lyric di Former Friends è apparso su il 2022-10-17 17:50:40


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