Former Friends - Kill my Friends testo lyric


Laying on the cold ground of
This suburban shell
Days are long
But nights are longer,
Everyone just sleeps.
This could be the hardest part,
This is my finish line
So I’ll take a bow and leave

So let’s cut the cord
And burn the bridge

I’m laying on the cold stone
Where you’re laying underneath
Six feet are not enough
To put this grudge back to sleep
I’m counting down the days
’til you’re all bad memories
God for sake amnesia, could you help me please?

We’re all just strangers with mutual friends
Truth is you never really knew me well
I will kill all my friends, I will kill all of them
Just like they did to me when they had the chance

There’s no need to go through all the stages of grief,
for you my dear
It’s no death in the family,
just anger and fear

We’re all just strangers with mutual friends
Truth is you never really knew me well
I will kill all my friends, I will kill all of them
Just like they did to me when they had the chance
I will kill all my friends, I will kill all of them
Because their lies never fucking end
Now I’ll tell you how it ends,
How their lives will fucking end
Please, stop living in my head

You made me sick to the point I had no choice but
Burying you deep among the others,
Now all that’s left is just a shadow of your former self,
Now we are former friends


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Kill my Friends di Former Friends:

VIDEO Kill my Friends

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La canzone Kill my Friends si trova nell'album Late Blossom uscito nel 2019.

Copertina dell'album Late Blossom, di Former Friends

L'articolo Former Friends - Kill my Friends testo lyric di Former Friends è apparso su il 2022-10-17 17:50:40


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