Francis Jupiter - Late Night, Big Conversations testo lyric


Late night, big conversations
I'm scared due to all the pressure
I'm making plans with no Restrictions
Just me and you in my imagination
Oh well,
Now I'm in my bed, again
So many thoughts that I can't tell
To anyone but myself

Why can't you just get
Out of my mind?
Waiting the right time
To come is a lie
"You've tried your best" but
It's never enough
If you wanna do something
It's time to wake up

Even when you're
Down down down
You're down down down
When you're feeling
Down down down
Down down down
"Everything is gonna be all right Waiting for the right time, Waiting for the right time Waiting the right time"

Another day lost in my head
So I can't see what's going on
Complaining is everything
I've got left
All the things I see as truth
Demons born from what
I've been trough
A simple reflection of
My own imperfections

Why can't you just get
Out of my mind?
Waiting the right time
To come is a lie
"You've tried your best" but
It's never enough
If you wanna do something
It's time to wake up

Even when you're
Down down down
You're down down down
When you're feeling
Down down down
Down down down
"Everything is gonna be all right Waiting for the right time, Waiting for the right time Waiting the right time"

Why can't you just get
Out of my mind?
Waiting the right time
To come is a lie
"You've tried your best" but
It's never enough
If you wanna do something
It's time to wake up

Even when you're
Down down down
Down down down
Down down down
Down down down


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Late Night, Big Conversations di Francis Jupiter:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 925 brani)

VIDEO Late Night, Big Conversations

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La canzone Late Night, Big Conversations si trova nell'album Late Night, Big Conversations uscito nel 2022 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album Late Night, Big Conversations, di Francis Jupiter

L'articolo Francis Jupiter - Late Night, Big Conversations testo lyric di Francis Jupiter è apparso su il 2022-12-16 12:22:26


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