Freesass - Mood testo lyric


I'm not in the mood but today I go to school
I'll go with a pistol and I kill anyone

I'm not in the mood but today I go to school
I'll go with a pistol and I kill anyone
I'll go with a knife and I kill the headmaster
My life is hell and my friends are all gone

I don't know what I want
Genocide or rock 'n roll
I don't know what I want
Genocide or suicide

I'm an anarchist because the school is shit
Teachers sucks and I want to smoke my class tests
Teachers sucks and I want to drink alcohol
My mother says to leave this shit, to search a job

I don't know what I want
Genocide or rock 'n roll
I don't know what I want
Genocide or suicide

I don't know what I want
Genocide or rock 'n roll
I don't know what I want
Genocide or suicide
I don't know what I want
Genocide or rock 'n roll
I don't know what I want
Genocide or suicide


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mood di Freesass:


Fabio Rossetti (Justin Stifler)


Fabio Rossetti
Matteo Abate
Filippo Geminiani
Gabriele Randaccio


La canzone Mood si trova nell'album Beautiful Suicide uscito nel 2021 per Universal.

Copertina dell'album Beautiful Suicide, di Freesass

L'articolo Freesass - Mood testo lyric di Freesass è apparso su il 2024-06-27 21:31:50


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