Gabriella Di Capua - Conversation with ourselves testo lyric


Your best for work hard and achieve success.
You can't pretend to the world like an actress.
You can lie to people, not to yourself,
you need him alone, what do you expect?

I know, I can understand your heart is in crash
It'll get worse.
Learn how to live in stress.
Ok, stop, and think about the best.

Give yourself a present: follow him and not the rest
He may be the best thing that happen to you,
but in the nighttime alone, you feel the cool.
That's why he is not enough
"He's all" is what you thought
And now, yeah, every fucking time you start crying'
You wanna die, when you're high.

Don't make me cry.
Don't make me die.
'Cause when you're high
you don't care for me.

(I'm) all a man would have, so please
Just remember what you got.
Just remember what we are, those summer days,
mid' july, we had love.
We were high, we fuck'd up ourselves,
how can I forget all that sex, all that love.
What a life it could be.

Don't make me cry.
Don't make me die.
'Cause when you're high
you don't care for me.


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Testo Gianluca Marino-Gabriella Di Capua


La canzone Conversation with ourselves si trova nell'album In the Night uscito nel 2020 per Romolo Dischi, Romolo Dischi.

Copertina dell'album In the Night, di Gabriella Di Capua

L'articolo Gabriella Di Capua - Conversation with ourselves testo lyric di Gabriella Di Capua è apparso su il 2023-02-17 10:42:03


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