Lady please now
let me find your love
let me find your love
let me find it
I need you whole or I die
I will hang myself and be the one
to discover a new land
where I finally can have some rest
Lady please now
let me find your love
let me find your love
let me find it
Actually I don't care if you hear this song
Actually you know it's a camouflage
Just a waste of time
I will hang my self or something.
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Let Me Find Your Love di Gabriel Medina Gomez:
La canzone Let Me Find Your Love si trova nell'album The Good Days uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo Gabriel Medina Gomez - Let Me Find Your Love testo lyric di Gabriel Medina Gomez è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-10-21 20:29:19