Gemini Blue - Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay testo lyric


Since for her this ain't a thing
I will craft my alibi
Tell a little noisy lie
So I can break through

Felt the duty to obey
To my love and everything
But allow me somethin
That might hurt you

Take me to the place you've been
So I can catch you with the other man
Change a lover every night
The game you play is cruel

I Grab your little tiny chin
I'm gonna tear you with the evidence
This kiss screams "goobye"
Now I can leave you

And now is time to go!
I'll stop worrying bout you
Even though I love you babe
It's about time
I'll stop worrying for you
That's right


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay di Gemini Blue:


La canzone Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay si trova nell'album Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay uscito nel 2023 per Artist First.

Copertina dell'album Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay, di Gemini Blue

L'articolo Gemini Blue - Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay testo lyric di Gemini Blue è apparso su il 2024-05-02 14:07:50


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