Gemini Blue - Why testo lyric


I've been drinking, feeling, sinking, giving
I should stop but I cannot for sure
Hear me, heal me, cause my heart is bleeding
Alcohol is the name of my lord

I just need some time to realize the lies
With which the life is composed
Fill the cup, fill the cup, drink it up
Look at the time passing on the clock

Why I have not died?
Why I have not died?
Why I have not died that night?
Why I have not died?
Why I have not died?
That night

Now I tell what's going to happen
You take the knife I'll do the rest and
Don't you worry boy it won't hurt
You're fool, some kind of joke, I saw your eyes
You should just give up
And die.

I've been drinkin the pain keeps on sinkin in
And I, i should stop but I cannot for sure
Heal me cause my heart is bleedin
And I won't stop till I'm dead and gone
And I just need some time to realize
The lies that you told me
Fill the cup, fill the cup, drink it up
Look at the time passing on the clock

Heal me, kill me

Now i tell what's going to happen
You take the knife I'll do the rest and
Don't you worry boy it won't hurt
You're fool, some kind of joke, I saw your eyes
You should just give up
And die.

Oh these days I'm so lonely
Right here ain't use in crying
Oh can't you pretty babe care for me now?
And guide me just for a while

Cause I'm done with you and me
With the blade I set the split


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Why di Gemini Blue:


La depressione che sfocia nell'alcolismo fino a giungere a pensieri autolesionisti, un vero e proprio macabro dialogo col subconscio contrappuntato dagli arrangiamenti più articolati del disco: groove hip hop e chitarre neo soul che sfociano nei poliritmi stoner del finale.


La canzone Why si trova nell'album Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay uscito nel 2023 per Artist First.

Copertina dell'album Players Will Play, Lovers Will Pay, di Gemini Blue

L'articolo Gemini Blue - Why testo lyric di Gemini Blue è apparso su il 2024-05-02 14:07:50


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