Please stop!
I cannot any more chase you everywhere
In the world without an answer.
I cannot any more, without telling you that I love you.
At first I follow you, then I love you.
Yes, I‘ll do that.
At first I follow you, then I love you.
Love. Love changes the situations.
Love. The love changes the roles.
Love. The love is putting us the test,
He has changed our life.
We have changed, admit it!
Please understand me!
I don’t want to play to chase you without a break.
I cannot any more allow to do it because I love you.
At first I follow you, then I love you.
Yes, I‘ll do that.
At first I follow you, then I love you.
Testo e musica di Giancarlo Mici
Copyright © 2004 Saint Production s.n.c.
Tutti i diritti riservati.
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VIDEO At First I Follow You, Then I Love You

La canzone At First I Follow You, Then I Love You si trova nell'album Notti di musica - Ieri, oggi, domani CD 3 uscito nel 2006 per Saint Production s.r.l., Studiognomo.

L'articolo Giancarlo Mici - At First I Follow You, Then I Love You testo lyric di Giancarlo Mici è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-12-08 15:23:38