Giancarlo Mici - Certainties In The Dark testo lyric


Lyrics and Music by GIANCARLO MICI
Copyright © 2017 Saint Production s.r.l. - All Rights Reserved

My life's a step away from the abyss.
I lost my father's affection.
Most of all, I lost your affection and your love,
and now I'm sick, do you understand?
I have a malady that's devouring me, who knows if I'll get better.
I live in the dark.

I need certainties.
I need love
I need you...
Certainties in the dark.

I want to win my father's affection back.
It won't be easy but I'd like to succeed.
Without you, your warmth, I don't know if I can heal.
You've left me alone,
alone in the dark.

I need certainties.
I need love
I need you...
Certainties in the dark.

God, give me the strength to pray to get out of this cage.
But if you were the cause of my pain, better to say goodbye to you and I can get
back to flying.

I need certainties.
I need love
I need light...
Certainties in the dark.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Certainties In The Dark di Giancarlo Mici:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Micio (di @micio con 57 brani)


Canta Irene Cedroni
Testo, musica ed arrangiamento di Giancarlo Mici
Registrato, mixato e masterizzato nello studio Suonomatica - Frosinone da Marco Zagarella
Prodotto da Maria Paola Migliassi per Saint Production s.r.l.

VIDEO Certainties In The Dark

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La canzone Certainties In The Dark si trova nell'album Certainties In The Dark uscito nel 2017 per Saint Production s.r.l..

Copertina dell'album Certainties In The Dark, di Giancarlo Mici

L'articolo Giancarlo Mici - Certainties In The Dark testo lyric di Giancarlo Mici è apparso su il 2022-12-08 15:23:38


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  • micio 8 anni fa Rispondi

    Commento vuoto, consideralo un mi piace!