Gianfranco Torrisi - Let go testo lyric


I‘ve been thinking ‘bout my life, and who I could have been
what I could have done and said, with anything between
and I know I’ve turned my back, to many times I’ve been afraid
To speak up for myself, oh that’s my only blame

I don’t wanna let go, let go of my dreams
I ain’t gonna let go, I am not a fool
When times are hard and everything’s confused
I ain’t gonna let go of my dreams

I’ve been workin’ on myself and chasing my own dream
trying to keep on movin, no matter what gets in the way
and if sometimes i’ve been forced, in doin’ things that I don’t like
I’ve rolled up my sleeves cause that is how you do

I don’t wanna let go, let go of my dreams
I ain’t gonna let go, I am not a fool
When times are hard and everything’s confused
I ain’t gonna let go of my dreams

Don’t give up now, Get up and fight
no matter what, gets in the way

I just wont let go, let go of my dreams
I ain’t gonna let go, I am not a fool
When times are hard and everything’s confused
I ain’t gonna let go of my dreams


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Let go di Gianfranco Torrisi:


Gianfranco Torrisi - chitarre, basso, voci, testo e arrangiamento.
Carlo Longo - loop di batteria e Mastering.

VIDEO Let go

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La canzone Let go si trova nell'album Let go uscito nel 2025 per LANDR.

Copertina dell'album Let go, di Gianfranco Torrisi

L'articolo Gianfranco Torrisi - Let go testo lyric di Gianfranco Torrisi è apparso su il 2025-02-11 12:03:25


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