Gotthard - Long Way Down testo lyric


Hey hey hey
I don't believe any word you say
There must be somebody else today
To call on the line
My my my
How many times did you make me cry
You must have taken me for a fool
But that was a lie
Now another chance to say maybe
D'ya think I'm really that crazy
Do I need to tell you why, why, why
I'm thinking it's a
Long way down
Every time I turn around you're headed for a
Long way down
Time, time, time
For you to learn to read the signs
You better stick to your own kinds
Get outta my way
Go, go, go
I've never met anyone so cold
I see you walking along the edge
Falling into the hole
Now an easy thing to discover
No way you're pulling me under
You're head is on the wire, wire, wire
It's gonna be a
Long way downÃ?Â?.


La canzone Long Way Down si trova nell'album Human Zoo uscito nel 2003.

Copertina dell'album Human Zoo, di Gotthard

L'articolo Gotthard - Long Way Down testo lyric di Gotthard è apparso su il 2004-11-11 00:00:00


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