Greco & LeBlanc - Catskills testo lyric


It's gettin' about that time
I see the leaves a turnin'
Gotta hop on a southern line
To where the sun is burnin'

The mountains look like rainbows
They're as pretty as can be
But when they fall then does the snow
And this aint no place for me

The catskill's are oh so fine
But when that northerner starts a blowin'
I know that I can't waste no time
So in the mornin' I'll be goin'

And I'll remember all the days
We spent up in those mountains
You showed this boy so many ways
How to love beyond the countin'

So i'll take all these memories
To the bayou land tomorrow
I'll cry for you and you for me
Come spring there'll be no sorrow

The Catskill's are oh so fine
But when that northerner starts a blowin'
I know that I can't waste no time
So in the mornin' I'll be goin'

I know that I can't waste no time
So in the mornin' I'll be goin'
I know that I can't waste no time
So in the mornin' I'll be goin'


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Catskills di Greco & LeBlanc:


La canzone Catskills si trova nell'album Two Boots uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Two Boots, di Greco & LeBlanc

L'articolo Greco & LeBlanc - Catskills testo lyric di Greco & LeBlanc è apparso su il 2023-04-19 23:56:33


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