Greco - Directions testo lyric

03/01/2024 - 09:07 Scritto da Greco Greco 0


I got fed up and left this one horse town, on the horse
From the coast of California i was determined and bound
So i headed west and what a surprise to me
There wasn't nothin' out there but a big o sea
[ I guess i'd better turn this hoss around ]

So me and the horse got back on dry land, we headed east
We left sunny green Cali and hit the hot hot sand, hot as Hell to say the least
They say Arizona has a beautiful sight to see
It wasn't nothin' but a big o hole to me
[ Now how in the hell me and the horse gonna cross that ]

Then we headed down south to check out the swamps
It's too scary down there this aint what we want
There's skeeters 'n snakes 'n cajuns 'n gators
All tryin' to eat us so we said see ya later
[ We backin' out of there like a crawfish ]

Took our trip up to the east coast
Take a bite out of the apple and witness their boast
Yeah we never slept while we were in New York City
Now i aint gay but even the boys are pretty
[ Then i heard that little voice scream in my ear, GO WEST YOUNG MAN ]

So we changed our direction
Headed back home
I'm givin' that little town back their horse
Can't wait to rest my bones
They can't say i didn't try and say we told you so
But i'm satisfied i gave it a try now home is where i wanna go
[ My little dot on the map suits me just fine ]



Premi play per ascoltare il brano Directions di Greco:


La canzone Directions si trova nell'album BOY uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album BOY, di Greco

L'articolo Greco - Directions testo lyric di Greco è apparso su il 2024-01-03 09:07:37


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