Greco - Joe and Jay testo lyric

03/01/2024 - 09:07 Scritto da Greco Greco 0


They won the local car race
On this year jubilee
Nobody gave them a dollar
Didn’t know they were to win
Ain’t got around no manager
No precious engine jet
They counted on each other hands, and
The smile upon their face

Joe is the fist, Jay got skills
One is fat, and the other slim
Joe got a drum, Jay love to sing
Better show than a TV screen
Feet on the ground, look at the sky
Always happy don’t wonder why
Ain’t no secret ‘round the tree
They’re as friends as they can be
They’re as friends as they can be

They fell in love with the same girl
Down in Clifton, Tennessee
She was a sweet bartender
And let the boys have drinks, but when
Jay began to talk too loud
Big Joe just said to him: OK
Man, before I lay you down
It’s better we go have a swim

Joe is the fist, Jay got skills
One is fat, and the other slim
Joe got a drum, Jay love to sing
Better show than a TV screen
Feet on the ground, look at the sky
Always happy don’t wonder why
Ain’t no secret ‘round the tree
They’re as friends as they can be
They’re as friends as they can be

Joe why don’t we move to Italy
Italy, what the hell…
They say it’s always sunny there
Lots of beautiful girls !
Nea, they even say that everything
That sparkle it is gold
‘Happy to see you agree with me
Tomorrow we will go

Joe is the fist, Jay got skills
One is fat, and the other slim
Joe got a drum, Jay love to sing
Better show than a TV screen
Feet on the ground, look at the sky
Always happy don’t wonder why
Ain’t no secret ‘round the tree
They’re as friends as they can be
They’re as friends as they can be


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Joe and Jay di Greco:


La canzone Joe and Jay si trova nell'album BOY uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album BOY, di Greco

L'articolo Greco - Joe and Jay testo lyric di Greco è apparso su il 2024-01-03 09:07:37


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