Greco - Mistaken Identity testo lyric

03/01/2024 - 09:07 Scritto da Greco Greco 0


I'm sorry if i bothered you, but
You look so familiar
Like someone that i once knew
When true love would fill ya
But i can see, you're not her anymore

So sorry if i'm starring at you
But you have that certain face
One that i've grown accustomed to
I know every line and trace
But i can see, you're not her anymore

It's just a case of mistaken identity
Of what is now and what it used to be
You two could pass for twins so easily
I'm so sorry, it's just mistaken identity

Pardon me if it seems i hear
A voice that makes me smile
A longing whisper in my ear
That would last a million miles
But i can see, you're not her anymore

Pardon me if your eyes captivate
And hold me at their will
I know you're a stranger but i have to say...

How much i love you still
But i can see, you're not her anymore

It's just a case of mistaken identity
Of what is now and what it used to be
You two could pass for twins so easily
I'm so sorry, it's just mistaken identity


But I can see, you're not her, any-


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mistaken Identity di Greco:


La canzone Mistaken Identity si trova nell'album BOY uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album BOY, di Greco

L'articolo Greco - Mistaken Identity testo lyric di Greco è apparso su il 2024-01-03 09:07:37


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