Noises From The Graveyard

Noises From The Graveyard


2009 - Metal, Gotico, Hard Rock


Grim came alive in May 2008, Alex (guitar and vocals), Rob (bass) and Mark (drums) were longtime friends, and after a meeting they decided to work together on the Grim project. They immediately start working on their first album, influenced by the horror world and the old cult and b-movies, on February 2009 the trio releases Noises from The Graveyard, and signs a contract with Necrotorture that will promote the band, and makes Grim appear on magazines as Rock Hard and Metal Maniac, radios, and various webzines. The guys plays several live show during the year and their activity make them become endorsers for Coffin Case and Darkside clothing. In April 2011 the band enters in studio for record their second album... stay tuned and Rock On!!!


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