Happy Skeleton - Underdog testo lyric


Go away. You don't believe that I could reach a goal. You don't believe that I could keep the breath. You don't believe that I could figure out the way they feel about me. And you believe that I could not compete. And you believe that I should just retreat. And you believe that I should drop everything right now and just leave. But I will be the first to stay and fight. But I will be the last to leave the room. And you will be the one who needs mercy. The underdog will take revenge. Go away. So I will be a stick in the mud, so I will be a pain in the neck, so I will be a thorn in the flesh. The underdog will take revenge now. So I will be the loser who can win, so I will be the needle in hay, so I will be a virus in your blood. The underdog will take revenge now. Revenge now. Revenge now. Revenge now. Go away.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Underdog di Happy Skeleton:


La canzone Underdog si trova nell'album Exit Strategy uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Exit Strategy, di Happy Skeleton

L'articolo Happy Skeleton - Underdog testo lyric di Happy Skeleton è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-02-04 18:21:53


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