I am
a fool
unable to keep cool
You know I use to dream a lot
You know I use to dream a lot
Create a face again
Me - the same
You - the same
We - the same
They - the same
I wear a costume
Wig and powder
I am ready for the show
I don’t know how to act
I don’t know how to act
Create a face again
Me - the same
You - the same
We - the same
They - the same
I really need to run away from this
But it’s me, it’s you – the same
Create a face again
Me - the same
You - the same
We - the same
They - the same
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Commutatio Loci di Heike Has The Giggles:
La canzone Commutatio Loci si trova nell'album Sh! uscito nel 2010 per Goodfellas, promorama.

L'articolo Heike Has The Giggles - Commutatio Loci testo lyric di Heike Has The Giggles è apparso su Rockit.it il 2011-12-15 13:49:29