A new emission of light comes from the Hermetic planet, a supernal light. From the semitic OHR: that which sheds light into the darkness and leads to self-realization. The sound or/ir/er/ur, common throughout Sardinia, is multiplied in the toponyms of Marghine referring to the sacredness of the place. Ohr is also the root of ear, and it is through sound that vision is welcomed: Celestial Light illuminating the horror to be able to better identify it and destroy. The divine light Ohr is divided into 7 sephirot like the 7 sound emanations of the new creature of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or: light trails which starting from the depths of the earth across the cosmos to lead us back to primordial source.
Release date: November 3rd, 2023
Recorded, mixed and produced by H.B.O.L. at Nasprias Cave, 2023.
Images: “I Capovolti”, Necropoli “Sas Concas”, Oniferi, Nuoro.
Laura Dem plays: sacred male horse skull, synths, samples, beats.
MSMiroslaw plays: Sacred female horse skull, synths, bass, beats.