Hira Lupe - Black Horse testo lyric

24/08/2014 - 23:31 Scritto da Hira Lupe Hira Lupe 2



this story is about the poison
that the fate made her for fun and
all the stories about their love were not too strong to let her fall down, and this was hard to understand

Few months later she is in trouble
no one saw she had a big hole
in her chest but there's no sorrow no regret for no tomorrow and she was trying not to pretend

but the story became too ugly when the man said she was joking, by now it's too late to let it end

Hold on, hold on
hold on, the black horse will come soon and eat your land
Hold on, hold on, hold on, save me if you can

she took a plane thru the black moons
she took a plene thru the black moons
but when she started to let it go the heart got stuck into the ground and then the moons started to dance

Hold on, hold on
hold on, the black horse will come soon and eat your land
Hold on, hold on, hold on, save me if you can

all the demons went to see her,
telling her to keep the secret
from that night the walls went down and all the man would come around
to see how deep can be the snatch
all the man would come around, all the man would come around
to see how deep can be the snatch

Hold on, hold on
hold on, the black horse will come soon and eat your land
Hold on, hold on, hold on, save me if you can

save me if you can
black horse
save me if you can


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Black Horse di Hira Lupe:


Black Horse
music, lyric by Hira Lupe


hira lupe


La canzone Black Horse si trova nell'album The Black Horse (Ep) uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album The Black Horse (Ep), di Hira Lupe

L'articolo Hira Lupe - Black Horse testo lyric di Hira Lupe è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-08-24 23:31:28


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