Homesick Suni - Call Me Debris testo lyric


If it's the life that I get for being a jerk
I'm thankful to myself
If it's the curse that you wished on me
I'll handle it my way
I didn't mean to make decisions
But I decided yet - That’s what you get
For being so ambiguous
And if you ask, well
I just don't know

What's the big deal?
Call me debris

If I'm the one you decided to practice with
Telling all the lies you can think
But by the way don't you think you may need me
Being me the one you can trust
I've never been so obsessed about you
Like you have been with me
For keeping on making excuses
Won't you let loose it?
I just don't know

What's the big deal?
Call me debris


La canzone Call Me Debris si trova nell'album Harvest Gloom uscito nel 2024 per Slack, Tavern Club.

Copertina dell'album Harvest Gloom, di Homesick Suni

L'articolo Homesick Suni - Call Me Debris testo lyric di Homesick Suni è apparso su il 2024-09-19 15:05:48


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