Homesick Suni - Fruit of the Gloom testo lyric


The fruit of the gloom is a flower
That grows on your head
Blooming inside your mind since the day you left
Till the day that you’re dead

The fruit of the gloom is a pain in the ass
You will never pay off
Like a virus it gets you in the middle of
The most quiet night
And nothing’s alright, alright?

Question anything
Think for yourself

The fruit of the gloom is eternal
It stays where it is
It is ‘cause it stays just where it’s meant to be
Confusion is sacred
Science is overrated

I miss the way I used to feel
When things weren’t real


La canzone Fruit of the Gloom si trova nell'album Harvest Gloom uscito nel 2024 per Slack, Tavern Club.

Copertina dell'album Harvest Gloom, di Homesick Suni

L'articolo Homesick Suni - Fruit of the Gloom testo lyric di Homesick Suni è apparso su il 2024-09-19 15:05:48


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