Homesick Suni - Green Reverb testo lyric


As if the world that we’ve known and seen
Is coming down
Crumbling on itself
Flushing down rivers of emerald green
I’ve seen enough by now

And everything I do
Depends on what I have been doing

If I didn’t have to waste my time
I wouldn’t see that things won’t change

No earth just skies are so serene
Without you Lady Mondegreen
Your sound resounds into my dream
It means

That everything I do
Depends on what I have been doing
And everything I see
Relies just on me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Green Reverb di Homesick Suni:


La canzone Green Reverb si trova nell'album Harvest Gloom uscito nel 2024 per Slack, Tavern Club.

Copertina dell'album Harvest Gloom, di Homesick Suni

L'articolo Homesick Suni - Green Reverb testo lyric di Homesick Suni è apparso su il 2024-09-19 15:05:48


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