Homesick Suni - Ouija Board Victim testo lyric


Sweet Mary, she's got a Blackberry
she's social and stuff & knows things I know already
She's crazy, alright
Sweet Mary, I'm so contrary
you shouldn't do that just 'cause you read it on Reddit
it's on r/nosleep and it's fake

By the way she didn't listen
and she went to buy an Ouija
Wish indeed she bought some mojo
'cause in that case we would have fun

But do you know what she did?!
- Apart from NOT LISTENING -
She played with that thing!
And then she started to scream, yeah

Sweet Mary, she's got a Blackberry
she's social and stuff & knows things I know already
She's crazy, alright
Sweet Mary, I'm so contrary
you shouldn't do that just 'cause you read it on Reddit
it's on r/nosleep and it's fake

Well, she knows the alphabet,
and she's good at spelling that
so she started to write
things she wouldn't have written before

("I am the spirit molecule
of your inner self
but if you need this pile of crap
to communicate
means you're not ready enough
to free your mind
and so let me introduce you to
a good friend of mine, her name is
P. O. T.
but you can also call her
W. E. E. D.")

Sweet Mary, she's got a Blackerry
she's social and stuff & knows things I know already
She's crazy, alright
Sweet Mary, I'm so contrary
you shouldn't do that just 'cause you read it on Reddit
it's on r/nosleep and it's fake


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ouija Board Victim di Homesick Suni:


La canzone Ouija Board Victim si trova nell'album Appetite for Distraction uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Appetite for Distraction, di Homesick Suni

L'articolo Homesick Suni - Ouija Board Victim testo lyric di Homesick Suni è apparso su il 2024-09-19 15:05:48


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