Hopeful Thing - Like a Gesture testo lyric


I had a friend that I loved
and forgot that all we got
can stay or leave

Remember us better than you can do

I hate that time makes you good
it flows and then you’ll forget
how sad you felt

You move my hair behind my ear,
how I feel?
it was real

How long it takes for all this pain
that is so limitless to sink into oblivion?

Blink of an eye
a simple gesture
a hidden meaning

You and i

Animals might not be smarter than you,
ain’t like you,
but they don’t know how to waste time
wishing for those things they’ll never ever get

You’ll never get
you know death
will never let you

Say goodbye


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Like a Gesture di Hopeful Thing:


Hopeful Thing


℗ & © 2020 hopeful thing


La canzone Like a Gesture si trova nell'album Things without Us uscito nel 2020 per CD Baby.

Copertina dell'album Things without Us, di Hopeful Thing

L'articolo Hopeful Thing - Like a Gesture testo lyric di Hopeful Thing è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-03-24 23:36:07


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