Biografia Howe

06/05/2020 - 15:09 Scritto da Howe Howe 1
HOWE is neither an artist, nor a duo or a band, while hiding a myriad of people behind his mask, could be one, could be thousands. Like a canvas before playing a movie, HOWE’s blank mask is waiting to amaze crowds with feelings, thoughts and emotions, while being filled with stories, photos & colors.
HOWE’s compositions don’t follow any fixed ways and are always storytelling journeys, which could be told or maybe seen directly on the mask. Be ready to experience HOWE’s multiinstrumental & visual world and consider to find just one person or an entire band on stage. Howe results in a composer and a listener at the same time.

L'articolo Biografia Howe di Howe è apparso su il 2020-05-06 15:09:39