humble - LONDON - emergency kintsugi testo lyric

02/10/2023 - 13:10 Scritto da humble humble 1


rescue me before

a rope, an anchor,
a ship not prepared for a broken vase that no longer serves tho
can an emergency kintsugi be needed?
or is this all another wasted unheeded?
An armor, it shines,
am I casting out nines?
a shield, solidly built
I miss to my sense of guilt,
for sure, I swear, I wouldn't be found
but i feel hunted down, like holding a crown
many poets tell us that I'll love this town
it raise from the ground, and it rains on the unknown,
with my new flaw to flaunt

Fall into dispair

high tide over me, can't help myself
drinks are on me
so I can feel free,
sting my soul like a bee,
it doesn't hurt if you see through me
it looks like a grampa, with his niece
a chair felt so empty
with an eye to the sea,
Can't believe you are not with me.

high tide over me, can't help myself
drinks are on me,
Tonight I feel free,
sting my soul like a bee,
it doesn't hurt if you see through me
it looks like a grampa with his niece
a chair felt so empty
with an eye to the sea,
Can't believe you are not with me.

My life

get in, it's so cold, don't try to be so bold
we' re animals in a Zoo ready to be sold
you fold, I lie, am I trying to be nice? Never have I ever live distance as a strive
pretty boys and pretty girls they really blind you
but nothing in the world left an important mark for
a scar for every morning, a scar for every warning
are you really sure you wanna love a sucker for performing?

high tide over me, can't help myself
drinks are on me
so I can feel free,
sting my soul like a bee,
it doesn't hurt if you see through me
it looks like a grampa, with his niece
a chair felt so empty
with an eye to the sea,
Can't believe you are not with me.

high tide over me, can't help myself
drinks are on me,
Tonight I feel free,
sting my soul like a bee,
it doesn't hurt if you see through me
it looks like a grampa with his niece
a chair felt so empty
with an eye to the sea,
Can't believe you are not with me.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano LONDON - emergency kintsugi di humble:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1005 brani), Aere (di @rockitadmin con 853 brani)


Fortemente influenzato dalla wave neo soul che ha investito l'Inghilterra durante gli ultimi anni, London è l'omaggio degli humble ai suoni Lo Fi, al jazz campionato e agli artisti inglesi che hanno influenzato maggiormente il progetto.


Written by Enrico Zurma & Umberto De Candia
Produced By Enrico Zurma & Umberto De Candia
Lyrics by Umberto De Candia
Drum Programming by Enrico Zurma
Bass by Enrico Mangherini
Keys by Tommaso Furini
Vox by Umberto De Candia
Horns by Edo Meloni
Guitar by Enrico Zurma
Digital Editing by Enrico Zurma & Federico Viola
Mixed By Federico Viola
(Animal House Studio, in Ferrara (Fe), Italy)
Mastered by Andrea De Bernardi
(Eleven Mastering, in Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy)

VIDEO LONDON - emergency kintsugi

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La canzone LONDON - emergency kintsugi si trova nell'album LONDON - emergency kintsugi uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album LONDON - emergency kintsugi, di humble

L'articolo humble - LONDON - emergency kintsugi testo lyric di humble è apparso su il 2023-10-02 13:10:24


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