A new mini-album following 2011 "Brave New World".
A concept about drifting and resignation.
The sound of awareness we're gonna sink but we'll do it singing.
Something like a hope. Something like a grave.
![We Will Sink Singing](https://rockitecn.nohup.it/thumb333x333/copertine/18685/we-will-sink-singing.jpg)
We Will Sink Singing
il cristo fluorescente
release: 20 February 2012
All songs written and performed by il Cristo Fluorescente
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Headache Project Studio (Rome) by il Cristo Fluorescente
The speech on the tracks The Sailing and The Sinking are taken from the movie "La bocca del lupo" by Pietro Marcello (Indigo - 2009)
The samples on The Sinking are taken from freesound.org
ambient, psichedelico, ipnotico, ci sarebbero mille parole da spendere per far risaltare lo spessore di quest'album..... Complimentissimi e in bocca al lupo per i prossimi lavori continua così :-)
Ottimo lavoro davvero! E poi la chicca de La Bocca del Lupo nell'ultimo pezzo...