I Ragazzi del Massacro - Hate testo lyric


Hate, hate speech we’re slaves
I’m not moving on; I’ve carried a gun.
It’s too late.

wait until it's too late
cops are moving on
sirens are screaming hard
snuff movie run

Hate, I’m lonely and I hate
Bad and rotten to the bones

Wait, come as you are
Dirty seed of love
Full of sin and lies
I’m so tired

Hate, I’m lonely and I hate
Bad and rotten to the bone
Hate, I’m lonely and I hate.
I’m so fascinated.


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La canzone Hate si trova nell'album Hate uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Hate, di I Ragazzi del Massacro

L'articolo I Ragazzi del Massacro - Hate testo lyric di I Ragazzi del Massacro è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-12-06 09:49:11


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