Informazioni ITNA RECORDS

Embracing the concept of freedom of expression, the label is ready to propose music of quality and good taste.
There is the release of ITNA’s album - “HYPHONETICALLY” available in September 2019.
According to the common doctrine in force, every form of acoustic experimentation directed at the public encounters before it huge monopolistic barriers dedicated to what is more raw and which has been contaminating our souls for far too long, our ears, our eyes and inevitably our consciences. What kind of media does man have in the third millennium to be able to jump the obstacle of nonverbal disinformation?
History teaches us to listen.
You don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re from...
That our intent is to be messengers of the next, that goes to savor the essence of freedom of expression, of communication, formalizing the concept of getting out of the pack and of the self-acceptance of one’s“be”in worlds which, unfortunately, do not belong to him.
The concept of cyclical evolution of events makes us aware of how in the musical set-up came the paradox .... let’s enjoy it.
ITNA represents the resumption of a generation in continuous advance, that clinging to the inexorable time, facing the past worlds, channels the teachings that have been granted to us, helping us to do more for our present and future.
The numerous battles and wars of conquest of the Kepler planet ended with the discovery of the lost seal, set in the center of the plant, the seal, could only be recovered with the self-destruction of the planetary nucleus.
ITNA has guarded the seal all this time inside the ship, traveling through the boundless orbits of our universe.
Far from dark presences and guarded in stubborn, proactive and avant-garde hands, the seal will give the possibility to create a doorway between our time and that past, this understanding how to make our future, a wonderful world to live in.
The seal will be unlocked when the spacecraft lands on planet earth, parallel to the release of the album.
Where it will be possible then to generate sufficient energy for the opening of the label of the group, that contains inside all that ITNA will bring to mankind, the collaborations that will take place throughout the period of stay of the group on earth, the incredible stories that will be told through more communications, all that is important to know, will be given.
The label will have the vision of being able to give to the human being an opportunity of rebirth, the mission is, therefore, to be able to fully value the multidisciplinary knowledge, analyze what surrounds us and tell it from different perspectives and audio visions.

L'articolo Informazioni ITNA RECORDS di ITNA RECORDS è apparso su il 2019-11-24 18:21:52